26 Mayıs 2008 Pazartesi

King Crimson - Discografia + Extras (Pedido - Richard)

Discografia Oficial
Clique na respectiva imagem do albúm que deseja para baixar.
2000-The ConstruKction of Light 2003-The Power to Believe 2002-Happy With What You Have Been Happy
1974-Starless and Bible Black 1974-Red 1982-Beat
1981-Discipline 1984-Three of a Perfect Pair 1971-Islands
1973-Larks Tongues in Aspic 1970-Lizard 1970-In the Wake of Poseidon
1995-Thrak 1969-In The Court of the Crimson King
Discografia não oficial, semi-oficial e Raridades
1992-The Great Deciever 1975-USA Live 1995-B BOOM-Official Bootleg
Part.1-Part.2-Part.3-Part.4************************************Part.1 - Part.2
1994-Vroom 1996-THRaKaTTaK Live 1997-Epitaph-2 CD Set Live
******************************************************************Part.1 - Part.2
1998-Absent Lovers 1997-The Night watch 1999-Circus Live-2 CD Set
Part.1 - Part.2************************************************Part.1 - Part.2
1999-The Deception of the Thrush  2000-On Broadway
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