25 Kasım 2008 Salı

Slayer - Discografia + Extras (Pedido - Sandro)

Discografia Completíssima + Extras
Servidor: Rapidshare
Clique nas respectivas imagens ou links dos albúns abaixo para baixar.
2006 - Live In Moncton 2007 - Rock Am Ring 2006 - Chicago[2006-06-20]
Part.1 - Part.2
2001 - God Hates Us All 1996 - Undisputed Attitude 1995 - Serenity in Murder(EP)
Part.1 - Part.2
1998 - Diabolus in Musica 1995 - Live Intrusion(EP) 1994 - Divine Intervention
Part.1 - Part.2
1993 - Nocturnal Spectre 1991 - Decade of Aggression(Live) 1990 - Seasons in the Abyss
1988 - South of Heaven 1986 - Reign in Blood 1985 - Obscure And Obscene
1985 - Hell Awaits 1984 - Live Undead(Live) 1984 - Haunting the Chapel(EP)
1983 - Show No Mercy 1998 - Stain Of Mind(EP) 1998 - Übernoise: The Interview
2000 - Soundtrack to the Apocalypse
*** Disc. 01 ********* Disc. 02 ********* Disc. 03
Part.1 - Part.2 *** Part.1 - Part.2 *** Part.1 - Part.2

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